U.S. and U.N. - Partners in Hypocrisy
It's always heartening to hear your leaders talk about spreading goodwill and justice into the world. And then you find out it's a lie.
Genocide is taking place, has been taking place in Sudan's Darfur region for some time now. Women are being raped continuously. Men, women, and children are being killed.
In 1998, President Clinton declared "never again" in response to the tragedy in Rwanda.
As if he didn't know what was going on and sat back and did nothing.
Worse than that....here we are...letting it happen again. OH, we throw around a lot of bravado when it comes to our "God given right" or "mandate" to clean up the world and spread democracy.....we as a nation and we as a world have a lot to say when it comes to helping tsunami victims. But, when it comes to helping prevent the deaths of thousands of black people in Africa...we could care less. If Rwanda or Darfur were happening in Europe you bet your bippy the U.S. and every other industrialized country would be running over there, guns in hand. But we're talking about Africa. Not only does the "civilized world" still regard Africa's inhabitants as a bunch of dark-skinned savages, it also recognizes that there isn't an economic payoff to helping these people. No oil, no trade privileges, no strategic power alliances...NOTHING!
Except maybe the saving of human life.
It's sad to come to this epiphany. That your leaders...your country..isn't the powerhouse of morality and justice you thought it was...
If you want to lead me on issues of morality, then you'd better be prepared to pay up! Otherwise, I won't believe a damn word you say...I don't care if you're hugging a bible and a pro-life sign.