Monday, January 24, 2005


Is it just me or is it absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to switch to a totally different career? First of all, if you want a job in a different field, then you have to take a menial, boot-lickin position with no pay. But, that's if you get lucky. Most of the time you can't even find a job like that, because they want someone with experience. Well, how do you get experience if you can't get experience? THEN, there's always the education route. YAH RIGHT! So, I'm lookin up the info on this Masters to Ph.D. route and every school I look up requires 3 letters of recommendation and a 15-20 page academic essay/paper/thesis. Ok, so I could get my letters of recommendation from my past employers, but (1) they're not in the field I want to get into, DUH..because I'm switching fields (2) they're not academic references, which I, of course, do not have since I graduated from college a little over 5 years ago!!!! "Melissa who????" Which brings me to the problem of the academic paper. Where am I going to get a 15-20 page academic paper?????????? I don't even know if I still own any of those! That was 5 years ago for Godssake!!!!! Besides, I was a journalism major. Journalism majors NEVER write a paper that long. The concept defies the definition of journalism...brief, concise and "to-the-point" writing! Where am I going to get a 20 page paper????????????

So, I've come to the conclusion that life is, in most respects, just like the DMV. A lotta red tape and a lotta long lines with no hope of a happy or speedy resolution.


At 2:30 PM, Blogger John said...

yeah i know what you mean. even though i am in accounting, i really want to switch to computers, but all i have is personal experience, no class experience, but then all the personal experience i have should more than make up for the stupid degree

At 6:45 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I think it's a conspiracy.

At 12:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Melissa--Thanks for your insightful comment on my post in Pop & Politics Talk Back. You are an intelligent, talented and capable person. If you really want to change careers, you will do it even if it means a sacrifice in pay and lifestyle for a few years. If you don't really want to change careers, you will talk yourself out of it with pessimism and excuses. My advice for what it's worth: decide what you really want and go for it.--P.A.


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