Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I'm Back!

Well, right now I feel like my head is going to explode because of my allergies. I don't even feel like doing anything, except crawling into bed and sleeping for 24 hours.

Well, let's recap the past weekend.

Went to NYC for New Year's Eve. Ate and danced at a restaurant party there. It was goin pretty well, except I'm beginning to realize the "club" scene, or whatever you want to call it, is now, sadly, a part of my past. I can't drink more than two glasses of alcohol without feeling tired and yucky. I have no desire to drink my former favorites -- appletini, cosmopolitan, vodka & redbull, etc. The only things I want to drink nowadays are strawberry shortcakes, mudslides, and any other drinks, which are ultimately desserts with only a touch of alcohol. I've also learned that I can no longer dance endlessly while wearing three inch high stilettos. My feet were killing me two hours into the night. Fortunately, I no longer get drunk to the point of dancing on tabletops or screaming at crowds of people that they "don't know anything about anything..." Unfortunately, one of our guests that night is not at that point and, therefore, mostly all I remember of New Years are some angry people, some incoherent ramblings, several embarassed people, and a narrowly missed drunken suicide attempt to flag down a cab. Nine years ago this all would have been pretty blasé, but now it's just exhausting and irritating. Guess I really am old now, huh?

Thanks to a soon-to-be-sister-in-law and her fiance, Saturday we watched Bombay Dreams on Broadway. Although it was no Les Mis or Miss Saigon, I thought it was cute. I really liked Akaash and Sweetie.

On Sunday, thanks to my cutey patootey honey, I/we saw the Nutcracker ballet back in Philly. I liked it alot. I love dance and the music score is terrific. Although, now I'd like to see some ballet where the dancers are doing mid-air pirouettes a la Baryshnikov.

Unfortunately, Sunday didn't end on a good note. I found out that one of my best friends has a heart condition. I couldn't even pick up the phone and call her for 2 hours after I had found out because I was so upset. Apparently, the condition can be controlled with medication, but that makes it no less upsetting. I'm not used to facing health problems. Isn't that something that affects old people??? When did we get old?

Something really special happened today, but I'll save it for my next post. It doesn't seem right to talk about something happy right after something so horrible.


At 4:28 PM, Blogger G. said...

YOU WERE IN NEW YORK?!?!???!?!?!?!

At 11:21 AM, Blogger John said...

Maybe you are getting old.. hahahah

and i'm sorry to hear about your friend... *comfort*


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