Monday, December 20, 2004

T.O. Injured -- Who the Hell Cares?????

So, I'm watching TV and then all of the sudden BREAKING NEWS is flashed across the screen, interrupting my show. My mind's racing. What could it be? Gas leak? Serial killer on the loose? Terrorist attack? No, some sports guy named T.O. (he doesn't even have a full name) for the Eagles has been injured. OMIGOSH...STOP THE PRESS...STOP THE WORLD!!!!!!! OOOOOOooOOOOOOooo..THE TRAGEDY! Friggin-A!!! Ok, that may suck for someone out there...I'm guessing an Eagles fan, but it's hardly BREAKING NEWS. What the hell is wrong with the media??? So, the next time I see BREAKING NEWS flash on my TV screen I'll be sure to ignore it...and, unfortunately, it may actually be something important like a terrorist attack...but I'll never know...thanks to the almighty media, who knows an important story when it breaks.


At 1:52 PM, Blogger John said...

hahaha, to ppl in your area... T.O. getting injured is a BIG deal.. esp to them football fans.

At 1:54 PM, Blogger John said...

oh yeah... T.O. = Terrell Owens... if you didn't know already.. hahah he was that guy in that MNF commercial with Nicolette Sheridan (ugly) where she stripped and jumped into is arms and caused that national controversy on tv...


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