Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My Birfday!

This past weekend we celebrated my birthday in NYC. Here are some photos. Enjoy! (As you can see, I'm being lazy with this post!)

On the Seinfeld Tour with the real Kramer in front of the real diner.

In line at the Soup Nazi's kitchen. The lobster bisque was EXCELLENT - filled with huge chunks of real lobster!

Later that afternoon we met up with a couple of my friends from D.C. and we went to Comic Strip Live. The next day we went to the MET (Metropolitan Museum of Art). We were there three hours and just barely saw three galleries (one of which I was just power walking through so I could see it in time).

Just hanging out with Hatshepsut, female pharoah of Egypt.

Pharaoh for a day?

More of my favorites:

Indian Art

Assyrian Art


At 7:27 PM, Blogger Liberal Banana said...

Looks like a fun trip! Happy birthday (belated)!

At 11:10 AM, Blogger John said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!

You were here and you didn't tell me??? LOL

besides I wouldn't have been around anyways, I was up for 1 day in RI for a wedding =P

glad you had great birthday fun... and btw, there are ALOT of 'soup nazi' locations now, it's not so special anymore.

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Thanks guys!

JOhn, yeah..the original Soup Nazi kitchen location isn't even open anymore!


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