Look at me!
Took some quiz I found on a friend's blog, Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You? Look at me:

You are a dark goddess!
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by
A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
Took some quiz I found on a friend's blog, Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You? Look at me:
THIS IS THE STUPIDEST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN!!!! (besides the Spice Girls movie and Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen) WARNING -- Do NOT watch this movie! Don't waste your money.
Ok, so this morning I go to the kitchen to grab the phone so I can start calling everyone I need to see while I'm intown and my Dad looks up at me and says "You need to see a dermatologist." Wha tha Hell?!? THANKS DAD!!! Turns out he's referring to this medium-huge zit I got a few days ago. (You know what a medium-huge zit is, as opposed to the large-huge zit, the mega-huge zit and the often talked about, but rarely seen Gargantuan Zit that reportedly obscures 40 to 60% of the face and distracts low flying planes?) "You know, your brother took some medicine before and he doesn't have any problems now." errrrrr........So, out of my desire to always out the truth AND a tiny desire to teach my Dad a lesson, I say,
Goin to Florida to see the folks tomorrow. Might sound lame, but I HATE the idea of not being with my honey for several days. I already miss him. =(
22 dead in rocket attack on U.S. base in Mosul
Study: Mobile phone radiation harms DNA
So, I'm watching TV and then all of the sudden BREAKING NEWS is flashed across the screen, interrupting my show. My mind's racing. What could it be? Gas leak? Serial killer on the loose? Terrorist attack? No, some sports guy named T.O. (he doesn't even have a full name) for the Eagles has been injured. OMIGOSH...STOP THE PRESS...STOP THE WORLD!!!!!!! OOOOOOooOOOOOOooo..THE TRAGEDY! Friggin-A!!! Ok, that may suck for someone out there...I'm guessing an Eagles fan, but it's hardly BREAKING NEWS. What the hell is wrong with the media??? So, the next time I see BREAKING NEWS flash on my TV screen I'll be sure to ignore it...and, unfortunately, it may actually be something important like a terrorist attack...but I'll never know...thanks to the almighty media, who knows an important story when it breaks.
Hiiiii-deee-hooo everybody!!!
BRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! Rabbit! It's cold! This morning it was 9 degrees!!!! NINE DEGREES!!!!!! I almost couldn't get my car door open, because it was frozen shut and then I was taking the turnpike and my stupid window was frozen shut solid!!! I had to pull up farther and open my entire door to pay the toll. GEeeesh!
So, I used to go to Panera all the time because I wanted to get something "healthy" to eat for lunch. My favorite sandwich was the Sierra Turkey. Check this out:
Hey, if you wanna lose weight, then I've got the program for YOU!
Excerpts taken from: Some Abstinence Programs Mislead Teens, Report Says
As published by CNN.COM:
I didn't receive my health insurance billing invoice. It was due December 1st. I called my provider and told them to send me another one, because it must have gotten lost in the mail. Two weeks later, no invoice. Running out of time. I have a 30-day grace period. Called them today and asked them if I could pay over the phone. The lady said "yes" and transferred me to another department. The man took all my information and then told me they don't take Discover. They don't take AMEX either. Shit! So, I had to get off the phone and get my fiance's card. I call back and I get a random customer service person. He says he doesn't know anything about paying over the phone and he doesn't know where my previous call was transferred. Great! I'm dealing with an idiot. Then he transfers me to this automated menu that has nothing to do with the billing department. I hang up and call back. I get yet another random CS person. She tells me she thinks only terminated accounts can pay over the phone. Luckily she decides to check on this and I am finally able to pay my bill.