Hi everybody! I really have nothing to say. There isn't anything interesting going on at the moment, well, at least nothing that would be interesting to anyone but me and I don't feel like bombarding you with more of my morbid tirades on the state of the world.....sooo...I thought I would tell you about some of my worst attributes:
1.) I am clumsy as hell! I don't know how this came about, because I don't recall being this way for the first 28 years of my life. It's only in the past year that I've become a supreme Klutz. Last month, as you should all know, I fell while I was walking down some concrete stairs in a parking garage. I twisted my ankle and bruised my coccyx bone. My coccyx is finally ok now, but my ankle is still not 100%. I am told it'll take at least 2 months before I'm fully recovered. And, well, everyday I hurt myself in some way. Stub a toe on the bed frame, bang my leg into the coffee table, get a paper cut on my hand, etc, etc. Yesterday I stubbed my toe, banged my knee on a kitchen counter while I was getting down from a stool, and tripped over my luggage, which was lying on my bedroom floor. Several weeks ago I was walking to the car and I hit my head on the low branch of a tree. Luckily I didn't fall to the ground, but the leasing office lady saw me. My right hand always has tiny healing cuts on it. I don't know where half of them come from. One day I was in kickboxing class and I looked at my hand and I had a tiny fresh cut that was bleeding. There's no possible way I could have cut it, because in my class we're just punching air. It's really a wonder I still have all my limbs. *knock on wood*
2.)I'm Obsessive Compulsive. I set my alarm clock at night and then I proceed to check it at least 4 to 5 times to make sure I got it right. Now I also make my fiance check it once too. I also make him verbally say aloud the time and the "am" for further verification. Before I leave the house I check my purse about 3 to 5 times to make sure I have everything I need. Consequently I have only forgotten my cell phone twice in the 7 years I've had it. I also open my wallet several times to verify that I have my driver's license. Sometimes I have to literally take my i.d. out of its slot just to be certain. Before I leave the house I also check the stove to make sure everything is turned off. For added measure I have to touch each knob like I'm checking off a mental list. That's probably about as bad as it gets. The good thing is that I'm almost always on schedule with everything and if you know me and I've been late for something it's almost surely my fiance's fault.
3.) I'm not photogenic. You may think I'm lying about this, but did you really think I'd post ugly pictures of myself? C'mon! Like my clumsiness, my unphotogenicness mysteriously appeared later in life. As a child I was a regular little model.

With the exception of a few awkward periods, (In sixth grade I went through my awkward phase, so I can't be blamed for that. In junior high school I had some minor hair issues that had to do with perms and Aqua Net, so that doesn't count either.) I've always taken great pictures.
In college, I took great pictures! Then a few years ago I started taking crappy pictures. I'd say out of 10 shots, 2 would turn out good. I don't know exactly what happened, but I'm not happy about it!
4.) I've indecisive...until I get annoyed. I'm one of those retarded people who goes:
Me: "I dunno...what do you wanna do?"
Other Person: "I dunno..what do you wanna do?"
Me: "I don't care. Whatever you want to do."
Other Person: "Don't you have an opinion?"
Me: "I dunno..I guess we could do A or B? Which do you prefer?"
Other Person: "I'm cool with anything."
Me: "DAmmit!!! Let's go watch a movie!"
5.) I have a hard time pooping in new settings. When I'm spending the weekend at someone else's place or in a hotel or whatever...it takes me at least 24-48 hours to get acclimated and by then I'm bloated and feeling ill.
6.) I hate bargaining. I'm HORRIBLE at it. I'm more inclined to say:
Me: "How much?"
Salesperson: "$25."
Me: "Ok."
My fiance hates bargaining almost as much as I do, so I guess we'll either not buy anything on our trip to India or I'll buy stuff and people will laugh at me.
7.) I have absolutely no concept of measurement. I don't know why my mind is mentally blocked like this, but it is. If you ask me how much gas is left in the tank, then I say it's halfway between the first line and the second line. That drives my fiance nuts. If you ask me how far it is to the store from here I will say a 20 minute drive. I will NOT say 16 miles. If you ask me how big the room is, then I will just give you a blank stare. I know it's dumb, but it is what it is. To my credit though, I am ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT with directions.
8.) I hate long car rides and I hate sitting in the back seat. I tend to get motion sickness if I'm not the driver. My fiance can't figure out why I love rollercoasters, but I can't go on long, windy car rides. I contend it's because the car doesn't do loops and I love those.