Sunday, July 24, 2005

British Police Offer a Lousy Apology and No Explanation for Murdering an Innocent Man

Unfortunately, I was correct. The ruthless and "excessive" force the British police deemed necessary to subdue a suspected terrorist last week was not only barbaric, unnecessary, and insane....but it resulted in the death of an innocent man. Several hours after British police shot this man five times, at least once in the head, British Prime Minister Tony Blair said the man was "directly linked to the ongoing and expanding anti-terrorist operation." Now we know that the man was a 27-year-old Brazilian national with no connection to terrorism. I was completely flabbergasted last week, even before the identity of the man was known, that there hadn't been more of a world outcry against this barbarism. It seems we've all gone stark-raving mad in this air of terrorism, shedding any semblance of democracy or justice...which is exactly what the terrorists wanted. I guess they truly have won.

A lot of people have said it was all necessary and it's the guy's fault for running. I'll admit the guy was obviously either an idiot or having some other serious problem. But, I guess we'll never know what really happened. Although, the whole thing smells fishy.

My heart goes out to this murdered, innocent man and to his family. All the British government could do was apologize and stand by their policy of "shoot to kill, ask questions later". Maybe they should try aiming for the leg or shoulder instead.


At 1:14 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Later found out that the guy was actually shot in the head seven times.


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