Wednesday, June 29, 2005

You know what's really annoying? Those stupid drivers that only pull half way into the turn lane and, thus, end up blocking traffic. People have to swerve around them or even come to a dead stop. I can't stand those drivers. I can't believe there are people stupid enough to not realize that the sole existence of the "Turn Lane" is so they don't get in the way of everyone else.

Well, today I managed my intense step class, so my ankle is well on it's way down the road to recovery. Some steps had to be toned down, but in general all was accomplished successfully and I sweated like a pig. Hallelujah, because I've just recently discovered Haagen Dazs' limited edition Strawberry Shortcake ice cream with pound cake pieces. I love strawberry cheesecake ice cream with graham cracker pieces, so it was a natural transition.

Last week I went to the apartment pool for all of 45 minutes, since that's all the time I had. On my way there I found a little baby bird (I later found out it was a swallow) on the ground. He (using the antiquarian method of using the male article to describe everything and anything when the gender is not obvious) had obviously fallen from his nest, which, after a thorough look around, I could not find. I picked up the little bird and he kept opening his mouth as if he wanted food. At first, he was clutching the ground and was hard to pick up. Being a typical frightened animal he immediately shat on me and I just flicked the white goo off. (I'm not phased by such things. I've been picking up and playing with insects and other creatures since I was a kid.) Petting him calmed him down and I took the little bird back to the apartment, put him in a box, and then took him over to the local SPCA, where they planned to transfer him to a bird rehabilitation place. I hope he remembers this incident and takes better care of his own children in the future.

Anywho, I did end up finally going to the pool. Unfortunately, it was overrun with 7 to 10 year olds. I managed to get in some backstrokes, back floats, and some weird looking frog-like motions on my front. While I was there I had the rare chance of eavesdropping on the conversations of today's child. It was probably the most appalling thing I've ever heard. One little boy, who looked about 8 years old, was talking about how hot it was in Philadelphia and suddenly proclaimed, "Women have to air that booty out. It gets real hot in Philadelphia. The hotter it gets, the less clothes the women wear." I thought I was going to puke. And then I realized I was wearing a bikini and quickly left the area.

I distinctly remember playing with barbies at this age and even at 10 years old the most I thought about the opposite sex was that I really wanted to go to the 5th grade dance with this quiet little boy in another class, so we could do some moonwalking and such. I will absolutely scream if my children go around thinking and talking like that child at the pool. *shiver*


At 10:41 AM, Blogger John said...

i'm glad your ankle is coming along. i remember a bird incident when i was younger, there was one outside our front door during the winter. we took it in our house for a few days so it could get better and then we set it free.

and ryc: that's really funny about your dream.. hahah lol.


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