Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Celebrity Gossip

Btw, that is NOT my big, fat thumb holding up the Millenium Falcon pita. That is my fiance's thumb. I did not want you all to think I have man hands.

Michael Jackson:
I just don't get all his supporters. How can you vouch for the innocence of someone you don't even know? Wouldn't it have been better to have just given him the benefit of the doubt and left it at that? Those moronic fans are basing their opinion on the fact that he can moon walk. Unless they hang out and converse with Michael on a regular basis I would say their opinions are moot.

Katie Holmes:
Maybe Katie Holmes has always been interested in Scientology, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say she probably wasn't and she's only converting to this wacked out religion founded by a science fiction writer in a desperate attempt to hold on to her idol, Tom Cruise. Whether it's true or not, she comes off as a really weak person who can't stand on her own two feet. (Then again, maybe I'm the crazy one. Scientology could be the only "religion" that hasn't inspired killing on its behalf.)

Tom Cruise:
This jerkoff needs to hop right off the pedestal he's put himself on. Listen Cruise, when you can carry a baby for nine months and then give birth gimme a call and maybe I'll listen to your lunatic rantings against Brooke Shields and her postpartum depression.

Paris & Paris:
I'm taking bets on how long this marriage will last, that is, if it ever gets down the aisle.

Please eat for God's sake! You were pretty hot in your Rumors video and now you look a little scary. And please get rid of that platinum blonde hair. It makes you look really sallow. Besides, do you really want to look like every other starlet??? Red is unique.


At 8:22 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

It's almost embarassing that I'm even discussing this stuff, but I'm bombarded by it everywhere!!! Esp. when I watch Entertainment Tonight and Insider. ;) hehe

At 12:02 PM, Blogger John said...

no more tom cruise... that's the last person i ever want to hear anything from again... i hope his career takes a nosedive and his new movie bombs, i'll never watch a movie of his again

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out a way to watch War of the Worlds without actually giving Tom Cruise the satisfaction. errr...for now I'm stumped.

At 2:48 PM, Blogger John said...

you can always download it illegally online.. AHAHAHHA


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