Wednesday, June 15, 2005

See this. This is the Millenium Falcon pita. I have provided a picture of the real Millenium Flacon for comparison.

Now, you would have seen this collector's item posted on Ebay; however, my fiance ate 50% of it and destroyed our chances of becoming millionaires.
And, this is what is left of our cash cow:

(I am still willing to sell the remnants of the Millenium Falcon pita to the highest bidder. Contact me via the comments section.)

On a brighter note, I finally got what I have always wanted from my sponsor child in Kenya -- A drawing!!!! I was literally jumping up and down for joy when I received this cute picture. (I have covered the top portion that displays both of our full names to protect the innocent, and me.) I wonder what kind of animal that is in the top corner?

by Jacob


At 1:23 PM, Blogger David said...

That's awesome! Can I ask what organization you sponsored a child through? I'd be interested in that. Any opportunity to positively affect another person's life is an opportunity I don't want to pass up.

I can't see the pic here at work but I'll check again tonight.

At 3:06 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

KC: hey! You're right! It does look like a turtle now. I doubt anyone wants to buy a turtle-shaped pita. =(

At 3:12 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

David: I've been sponsoring through PlanUSA for about three years. My first child's community graduated to independence, so I'm on my second child. Both were from Kenya, but you can choose whichever country you want or pick the neediest child available. I decided to go with PlanUSA, formerly Child Reach, because it's not affiliated with any religious organization. I did not want the child to have to subscribe to a particular religion or belief in order to get the aid he/she needs. I think it's a very worthwhile cause and it doesn't cost much to make a big difference. I don't usually talk about being a sponsor so I don't sound as if I'm tooting my own horn, but if I can inspire others to do it too, then I guess it's not a bad idea.

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

David: oh's

At 3:53 PM, Blogger David said...

Melissa, thanks. I'll check out the site.

One thing I'm considering doing would be to create my own non-profit organization that would distribute money. I wouldn't have a lot of money to contribute but at least I'd know that my money was going to the intended recipients and not just covering "administrative costs".

At 8:16 PM, Blogger David said...

Hi, Melissa. I'm home now. I went to Plan USA's site and also started discussions with Aurora. I'm almost 100% sure we'll be sponsoring a child soon. In the meantime, I joined a blog group on LiveJournal (luckily I have a blog account just about everywhere. hahahha). From what I've seen on there, people just share their child sponsorship experiences (joys and frustrations alike I'm assuming). Thanks again, Melissa, for helping me discover things like this. It really is a great feeling knowing you can help others. :)

At 8:24 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Thanks David! I'm glad I could help! =) I know Plan USA will even assist you if you want to visit your sponsor child, which is really cool. I know what you mean about starting your own nonprofit. You just never know, but I'm fairly certain this is a good organization.

At 7:15 AM, Blogger David said...

Melissa, we probably will use Plan USA. We might also use a christian-based child sponsor org but that's just our preference.

If you ever have time, try to join that LiveJournal group I was mentioning. It really is filled with people who have great hearts. After you start a free LJ account search and the group name is "childsponsors".


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