Friday, July 22, 2005

I Have Nothing to Wear

I really don't care what anyone says, I really don't have anything to wear! My fiance would retort that I have 1/2 a walk-in closet full of clothes, but I swear to you there's nothing to wear. Here's why:

50% can be eliminated because they suck. This lot consists of "why the hell did I buy that" clothes and "clothes I just bought to wear at the office" clothes.

5% of what's left doesn't fit right. Either I shrunk it in the dryer or I lost a few pounds and it's too big.

35% of what's left consists of pieces that are really cute on their own, but don't match anything else I own, which means they gather dust in my closet until I finally find a bottom/top to match them.

So, that leaves 10% of my wardrobe stylish enough to wear. Unfortunately, that means I will end up wearing the same damn thing over and over again, thus resulting in:

a.) worn and shabby, yet stylish pieces
b.) several "hey, didn't you wear that last week" comments
c.) "I can't go out until I do the laundry" statements


At 1:15 PM, Blogger G. said...

oh welps... i guess you'll just have to go shopping.

how horrible.

At 1:41 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I'm not allowed to go shopping until the wedding's over. =(

At 11:45 AM, Blogger John said...

Isn't that like one of the most common things a girl says about their clothes??? =P


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