Best News I've Heard All Week...
is that they've found that little girl Shasta and her kidnapper, who is responsible for raping and kidnapping Shasta and her brother Dylan and bludgeoning to death Shasta's family.
Some people don't agree with the death penalty. I respect that. Hell, I might end up at the pearly gates and God will say, "You were wrong all along. The death penalty was bad!"
But...for some reason I doubt it. I've really had it with today's cess pool of human miscreants. Not just the murders and rapists, but also the everyday scum on the street. Like the many ghetto bitches and thugs out there who harass people on a daily basis. I'm sick of the asshole who flicks you off because he thinks five miles over the speed limit is driving too slow.
What about the teenager in Brooklyn that was recently killed for his ipod?
What about that girl who's still missing in Aruba?
I'm damn sick and tired of it. I'm really to the point where I have little sympathy anymore. I hope Joseph Duncan gets something worse than lethal injection, because lethal injection can't begin to match what he did to his victims.
I've absolutely had it!
You're both better people than I am and I respect that. I understand the reasoning against the death penalty and it rationaly makes a lot of sense. I just know if someone were to do something like that to one of my loved ones I would kill him/her myself. I deny myself special privileges, because I'm really no important than anyone if I realize how I would feel if someone "bludgeoned" or raped my loved one, then I have to realize how anyone would feel in the same situation; thus, I am for the death penalty in certain cases. However, if prisons were really what they should be...hell holes, then I would not be for the death penalty. Death can be too quick a release for some of these criminals..better that they should live on and on and on in horrible conditions instead. Unfortunately, our prisons (besides the violence the occupants perpetrate upon each other)are often cushy resorts where criminals have the ability to get an education, work-out/exercise, get jobs, play games, watch T.V., receive three meals a day, and a warm shower. These are luxuries a lot of people worldwide go without.
anyways, like I said, I really do respect your opinion and I may be really wrong. This is just my opinion.
Lori, yeah...solitary confinement would be a good idea.
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