My cat is fat. It's taken awhile for me to admit this to myself, but I can no longer deny it. I guess part of it has to do with the fact that my mom has an obese cat and compared with that cat my cat looks like a marathon runner. I've been debating over what to do about this situation. He really isn't fed too much food. I would bet my money that it's mostly to do with his lack of exercise. He's an indoor cat and he's old, so he pretty much lies around 22.5 hours of the day. So after much contemplation I've decided to implement
Project Walk the Cat (a.k.a. Project WC), not to be confused with Project Cat's Cradle or the British term for toilet room.
DAY 1:Attempted to put kitty harness on cat. Cat swatted at harness and nibbled on it. (
Mental Note:
for extra exercise swing harness in front of cat twice a day for 15 minutes.) Found harness was too tight and adjusted it. (
My cat is NOT fat, just pleasantly plump!) Put harness on cat and attached leash. Attempted to walk cat out of apartment. Cat would not get up from lying position and was dragged a whopping five inches. Picked up cat and physically carried cat with harness and leash to door of apartment and opened door. Cat would not go outside into hallway. Picked up cat again and took him downstairs and outside. Placed cat on ground, so we could "walk". Cat looked around wide-eyed, sniffed, and proceeded to whine and headed back for door of building. Gave up. Opened door and let cat walk in. Realized I had only put one front arm through harness instead of two. (
Mental Note:
Next time fit harness properly.) Proceeded to walk cat with leash upstairs. Cat climbed up stairs. Outing deemed successful! Cat walked up stairs by leash. (
Mental Note:
Walk cat up and down stairs everyday for 20 minutes.)