Wednesday, January 25, 2006


I was just listening to NPR and an interview with Washington Post writer Jackie Spinner. She was talking about her new book which deals with her experiences as a reporter in Iraq. She said she had received a lot of hate mail for her stories. The interviewer asked her if she had gotten any good mail and she said she had become friends with a woman who sent her an email thanking her for her reporting; however, the woman said she couldn't thank her publicly because she was a conservative and Spinner worked for a liberal newspaper.

How is it that someone can be of such low moral character, be so bereft of principles, be such a brainwashed lemming of a drone as to not be able to stand by her own opinion??? I can only imagine what a pathetic kind of a person that woman is if she wouldn't dare give her own opinion just because it might differ from her party affiliation. Grow some F'n balls! People like that make me want to puke.


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