Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Plight of Womankind

Another "honor" killing has taken place in Pakistan. According to the AP wire, Nazir Ahmed slit the throats of his three young daughters and their stepdaughter (Muqadas) because Muqada's husband accused her of adultery. Said Ahmed, "I thought the younger girls would do what their eldest sister had done, so they should be eliminated. We are poor people and we have nothing else to protect but our honor." Ahmed's younger daughters were ages 8, 7, and 4. Ahmed said he had no regrets except that he wished he had been able to kill the stepdaughter's lover. But there's little evidence that there even was a lover. According to the article, local people said that Muqadas had fled her husband because he had abused her and forced her to work in a brick-making factory. The claim of adultery was most likely her husband's form of revenge for leaving him. What can we say about a country, a society, a world in which "honor" is saved through murder? What can we say about the worth of a woman?

It would be easy for many of you to say that it's the fault of that lunatic religion, Islam, and their society, which spawns terrorists among other things. In some ways this would be correct. We all know stereotypes are a bad thing and anytime we step off that precipice to condemn an entire group of people for the actions of a few, we are also teetering on the edge of disaster. Because it never ends there. There's always another group to condemn, until no one is left standing and all the people that were good are long gone. But something must have gone horribly wrong with Islamic society along the way. Perhaps it was never meant to be like this, but it went wrong nevertheless. Things were left up to interpretation and there were fewer and fewer voices of reason.

However, to blame Islam for the woes of womankind is a bad move, because it allows us to ignore all the misogyny taking place in other places around the world, and in our own backyard. And, yes, don't doubt that it's there, because it is. Since the beginning of time man has trod upon the back of woman. You can give me some crap about it being all Eve's fault, but I don't buy that bullshit one bit. It has to do with power and control. Simple as that. Maybe it also has to do with low self-esteem, the bully on the playground that has to beat up little kids so he can feel better about himself. In any case it's been around for ages. Women are cattle, property, slaves, servants, prostitutes, abused, disrespected, murdered, raped, violated, mutilated, circumcised, sold as sex slaves, called hoes and bitches in songs, told they're not good enough, not strong enough, not smart enough, not worth enough, are paid 76 cents for every dollar the average man is paid. They are killed. Killed for the honor of a murderer. A child murderer. They are killed.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


I'll likely be M.I.A. for the next few days, so I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy Hannukah!

I hope the asshole who stole the baby penguin gets thrown in a dark cage where he'll starve to death while watching March of the Penguins over and over again. Merry Christmas Jerkoff!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Greetings, Salutations & Yultides!

Hi everyone! I'm feeling a bit under the weather (this saying makes no sense) right now. I've had a sore throat for days and yesterday and today major congestion and sneezing. I drank some theraflu this morning and I still feel hopped up on whatever the heck they put in that stuff. I feel like I'm floating and, better yet, I am not noticing my ailments so much.

Well, I was going to thrill everyone with some photos of the absolutely ABSURD Christmas decorations I've seen in people's yards, but I forgot my camera this past weekend and those "delightful" displays may be gone the next time I'm there. So, I'll just talk about them and hope I get some photos to you guys soon. Anyways, I can't stand some of these yard displays. Sometimes I want to stop my car and go knock on their doors, because I can't imagine what kind of moron lives there. Nothing's worse than those idiots who put up six or more of those dumb blow-up santas/snowmen and that stupid snow globe of them. There are so many blow-ups in their yards you can't even see the grass. It's like Santa threw up all over their yard. I guess these people never heard of the saying "less is more". I do like those little light-up deer; however, no more than three and only one should be a large one.

Before I end, I have to tell you I've discovered a disturbing trend on TV lately. Dumber than usual commericals. One that continually irks me is the stupid commercial where the lady is trying to think of something to give her husband and she turns around and sees that Lexus with a bow on top of it. So, the lady goes out and buys her husband a Lexus for Christmas. One of those MSN messenger smileys with the wide-eyed dumbfounded look would be appropriate right now. I realize there are a few people in America that could actually buy someone a car for Christmas, but I don't think Bill Gates, Madonna, and George W. Bush are exactly representative of the population.

Then there's THE MOST LUDICROUS COMMERICAL EVER!!!!!!!! THAT STUPID SEIKO COMMERCIAL!!! Has anyone seen that stupid thing?

"It's not what you wear, or what music you listen to, or what car you's your watch that defines you....Seiko...."

WTF?!?!? The absolute gall of Seiko to say that a watch defines a person. If this society hasn't already gone down the toilet, then Seiko just flushed it!

Besides, Seiko??? C'mon!!!! Rolex or Cartier...maaaayyybeee..., but Seiko?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Last night I couldn't even sleep. I kept waking up because I thought I might be grinding my teeth. I'm afraid I'll wake up looking like Cleatus the slack-jawed yokel. I think another reason I couldn't sleep well was because I knew I was going to the DMV today. Now THAT is the stuff of nightmares! Anyway, I went to the Social Security Office and had my last name changed to my married name. No line, it was perfect! Then I went to the DMV. There were only five cars in the lot. I knew something must've been wrong. I couldn't be THAT lucky. Turns out only the photo services section is open on Mondays. The side that does the actual paperwork is closed. Frick.

Tomorrow I'm going to get impressions done for my mouthguard, since the cheap-o one has been unbearable. I'm either going to choke on the thing or go without sleep for the rest of my life. One way or the other, I need a new solution. Luckily my insurance will pay for part of it. I know...friggin hallelujah!...It's a miracle!

Now my news commentary for the day:

I think this ultra-PC Christmas etiquette is crap! You can't call a Christmas tree a holiday tree! It's NOT a Hannukah tree or a Hindu tree or an Islamic tree...It's a Christ-mas tree! DUH! We wouldn't even have this holiday if it weren't for Christ. However, the Christians that are complaining over Bush's "holiday" card are one step from the looney bin. No president has time to send religious-specific holiday cards to each American household. And, in case you didn't know, not all Americans are Christian AND a lot of other religions have holidays around the same time. Get a grip people, he did put a verse from the Bible in the card.

Merry Christmas everybody!

Ok. That didn't work. Let me try this... OH that was stupid! One of my posts had too many "m's" in a row! >=(

This is a test, because my stupid sidebar is not where it's supposed to be. This happened before and I never quite figured out what went wrong, but it seemed to fix itself after awhile. I think it has something to do with my posts. Let's see what happens.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 on top of everything else my dentist tells me I'm grinding my teeth and I need a mouth guard at night. Wellllll...dooodddllleleeeedoootdootdoot....! Of course I thought she was full of crap, but after some thorough research I think she may be on to something. Sooo..I bought this cheapo one at the drug store because I didn't feel like paying $350 for the professional one. Of course insurance doesn't pay for mouth guards even though they could prevent future repairs that will cost $$$$$$$. But, so what else is new? We all know insurance companies are the tools of the devil. Dirty rat finks! Wonder what other ailment I can come up with. I don't think I have enough yet. How bout insomnia??? Can't wait to get to bed and try that big ol' piece plastic in my mouth. Sure to be comfy!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Let it snow, let it snow...

Well, it's supposed to snow this afternoon until tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, it's not supposed to start snowing until 3pm, which means I'll already be in my car driving to my horse back riding lesson. I can't cancel my lesson that close to the start time, so I'm basically stuck going and hoping I don't get snowed in there. We mid-Atlantic peoples are such friggin wusses when it comes to snow. When I lived in the D.C. metro everything nearly came to a grinding halt with an impending snow storm. A few hundred miles north and no different. But, I'll admit it! I'm one of the panick-stricken. I've been glued to the stupid weather channel all day. (I hate the idea that I'm giving the media business) I don't even want to leave the house for the next couple days, but I have no choice.

**Warning - the following account could scare small children and delusional males.**
A little while ago I had to take a dump. Yeah, it happens sometimes. Afterwards I went to talk to my neighbor, that's when the maintenance guy came to my apartment to replace a piece in my toilet tank. Tell me if that ain't Murphy's Law at its finest! At least I flushed several times. That eliminates smell and crumbs. Do you know how many people leave crumbs in the toilet??? Some people don't even bother to check things out before they leave the room. YUCK!

Ok, so if you don't know by now, I get easily bored. I'm VERY easily bored; thus, I need your help trying to figure out what to do for New Year's Eve. We've been invited to three get-togethers at people's houses, but I really don't want to be confined to an abode. I really want to do something active. I'm thinking snowboarding is the best option, but undoubtably we'll end up staying in our area because my husband doesn't want to travel anywhere. Any suggestions?