So, this article came out listing Philadelphia as the #1 most depressed city. Finally! Finally!!! Some friggin validation for my feelings! Unfortunately, my validation was nullified by the obvious incompetence of the article as I read that Jersey City was listed as #3 happiest city in the U.S. HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....!!! Man, that's funny!
(If you've never been to Jersey City, then I suggest you read my friend's blog for the synopsis: Tequila Shots In short, Jersey City is basically that heap of trash across the river from Manhattan.)
Anywho. What'd you do for Earth Day???? NOT A DAMN THING, HUH? Well, my fiance and I helped an environmental group cleanup a local creek. We had a lot of fun. We found a pump, plastic pieces, boards, bottle caps, cigarette butts, a tire, pieces of paper, pieces of a busted taillight, some dead crayfish, and the skull and bones of a decayed critter. Cooooool!!!
Update: the belly is going, going....(I'll let you know when it's gone.) You'd be surprised at how strenuous pilates really doesn't look like you're doin much, but damn your muscles get sore.
Update 2: Swimming lessons are going well. I bought me some goggles so I can open my eyes underwater without my contacts poppin out. It does the trick. Unfortunately, I look even more retarded; however, they do compliment my dorky flowered one piece suit just fine. (I see no point in splurging for a one piece suit I'll never wear again.) Anywho, I have now mastered the backstroke. WooOEoeooeOoe!!! Now if I'm stranded in the middle of the ocean I can just backstroke my way to dry land.
Update 3: Well, nothing much has changed on the job front. As usual I am undecided in how to move forward. There are some really cool volunteer opportunities I want to check out...perfect for gaining experience in new areas, while checking them out at the same time......unfortunately, my carless situation is making that near impossible to delve into. And, of course, the jobs that are paying suck. I have no desire to live in cube world again, unless it's for a worthy cause. OF course, there's that pesky timeline to deal with too. Anything too monumental like grad school or a new career path will certainly take some time...which kind of cuts into my baby manufacturing timeline...which leads one to wonder if it's worth it at all since I'd certainly quit with the delivery of my first child. (I'm not into daycare or nannies.) So, here I sit....contemplating my next move in a game that seems to be at a stalemate.
Update 4: Watched Sin City. Very, very interesting and unusual. Not something I'd say "HEY! THAT WAS WONDERFUL...I'M GOING TO BUY IT WHEN IT COMES OUT ON VIDEO"....but it was good. Jessica Alba was smoooookin! I wonder what kinda ab exercises she does.
the kind of abs exercises she does are the ones where that's all she does. nothing else. their workouts require dedication (atleast 3 hrs per day), a personal trainer to the stars, and millions of dollars to pay them with.
meanwhile, you have a life and other things to worry about.
say hi to the beau for me!
Jersey City #3 happiest city?.. OMG!
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