Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Just logging in to say...

I'm not dead, although I've felt close to it the past two days. I've experienced some type of food poisoning or stomach virus. Although, it is likely food poisoning, I can't seem to figure out how I got it. Anywho, I've spent the last couple of days writhing in nausea. Not to mention, the day I became contaminated I also tried my first aerobics class at Gold's Gym. Well, it was an ass kicker and needless to say, exacerbated my illness into full bloom. Forty-five minutes into my class, which consisted of a 1/2 hr of spinning and 1/2 hr of circuit training, I immediately turned pale, felt light-headed, and nauseous. Now about 12 Gold's Gym attendees and 2 trainers no doubt think I'm the wussiest thing to ever hit a gym. Don't get me wrong...the class was HARD!!!! My nearly six months of cardio kickboxing classes did not even prepare me for this. STILL..I'm quite embarassed that everyone will think I wimped out for lack of strength, rather than a case of food poisoning coupled with a lack of strength. After being naueous on the inside and encased with muscle pain on the outside for an entire day, I finally had enough sense to take a hot shower. If you're ever in agony from overworking your muscles, I would highly recommend a hot shower. I'm sure this is not news to anyone, but I neglected to think of it earlier in my ill-ridden haze.

On another note, I would like to say that Bush has no place sticking his head into Terry Schiavo's predicament. It should strictly be a family matter.

Also, I've been wondering for a long time (and apparently so has Bill Maher) why Christians are so afraid of the afterlife? If the afterlife is so wonderful and something to strive for, then is it so bad that Terry move on to that place?

There's also the argument that men have no right to take away the life of another...that it should all be in God's hands. But, then doesn't that mean we should take Terry off of the feeding tube? That IS man interferring with the natural way of things. Terry would have passed on long ago without man's intervention. Perhaps that IS messing with God's way?

In any case, I'm not advocating that Terry's feeding tube be removed or not. I have no idea if she is or is not in a vegetative state, so I couldn't advocate one way or the other. There's also some talk that Terry's husband was abusive and that the judge is not letting that evidence into the case. It also seems like no one can definitively say whether or not she is in a vegetative state, which is disconcerting. She does seem somewhat coherent in the videos we've seen, but I'm no doctor, as if that would even help. Can't doctors figure that out??

So, I just think these are important questions people really need to think about. Although, I must say...if I were Terry Schiavo, then I would have preferred to move on to God's green pastures long ago. I understand that's something very difficult for a parent to deal with, I don't know what I would do in the same situation, but death is not always the worst option.


At 3:11 PM, Blogger David said...

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At 3:14 PM, Blogger David said...

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At 3:15 PM, Blogger David said...

Sorry to hear you had to suffer like that through your aerobics class. You can still redeem yourself though by signing up for the Advanced Aerobics class and--barring another food poisoning--showing the class how much energy you have.

I'll have to agree with you on the Schiavo case. Christians, activists and now even politicians are stepping in on her behalf and people like her. How ironic it would be if Terry could speak and said 'you should have taken out the tube long ago'.

I'm glad you wrote a lot this time. I feel like what I'm going to post next will seem like a novella in the next day or so. Stay tuned...

At 5:40 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Yah, I would agree that a lethal injection is much better than taking her feeding tube out. That has to be a painful, drawn-out death whether you're in a vegetative state or not.

Yes, I suppose I am lumping people into categories. Old habits die hard. Although, I consider myself a Christian too. (People reading my blog might not realize it, but I'm also Catholic...although I'm no longer practicing b/c of the state of things.) Thanks for offering up your opinion. Individuality is always refreshing and welcome.


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