Ok, so yesterday morning I bundled up and walked over to the local Starbucks and made an offering to the Caramel Macchiato god. In return I received a steaming Grande froth. (I hate these stupid mind games where the small size is called Tall and the large size is called Grande.) I only had 5 minutes before my meeting with Special Agent "Q". After the last meeting's fiasco I didn't dare show up late. We nearly lost the Golden Eye of Horus. I scanned the tiny cafe. Damn it was the smallest Starbucks I'd ever seen! There weren't even any couches, just some lousy wooden chairs and tiny tables. Ahh! There was Mr. Q. I nonchalantly strolled over to the corner table and slid into the seat opposite Mr. Q. He greeted me with a glance and swiftly slid over the documents.
This is a highly sensitive mission Ms. M. I suggest you read these over carefully and do your best work.
I always do my best when I work, I said with a twinkle in my eye.
It was a rhetorical statment. Anyways, the location of the stolen object is the Amazonian rainforest. We think it's in the northwest quadrant of Brazil near the Columbian border. We'll need you to leave immediately.
So here I am. Banging this out on my laptop on a plane to Brazil. Just another day in the life of a Museum Docent.
Ok, so I'm exaggerating a bit. Yesterday I went to the museum again to follow another tour in the Egyptian gallery, where I've chosen to concentrate my studies. It was a really good group! Lively and inquisitive sixth graders, who were willing participants in the tour. I even got to answer the questions of a spunky blonde girl in pink. Yes...I'm well on my way to becoming a helpful and knowledgable docent and, of course, the next Indiana Jones.

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