Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I'm baking a sweet potato pie right now. I didn't use a ready made pie filling. I made it straight from the yams. If it turns out ok, then I'll be baking another one and sending it over to my in-law's house. I'll update you shortly...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I'm sooo depressed! I don't want to do anything. Damn you PMS, damn you.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Yesterday I was at Trader Joe's (natural/organic/speciality foods grocery store) waiting in line to check out. The lady in front of me had two young girls and the girls kept trying to get their mom to buy them some chocolate bars. The mom kept telling them no, saying that they wouldn't like those candy bars because they're natural. One daughter asked, "What's that mean?" The mom replied, "That means they're healthy." The children were upset and called their mom mean and that was that. Now, it's not the typical children begging for candy at the checkout counter scenario that bothers me....it's the stupidity of their mom.

1.) We can infer by her argument that she believes that if something is healthy, then her children will not like it.
2.) We can infer by #1 that if they did not dislike healthy food already, they are learning that they should.
3.) Natural or organic chocolate does not taste any different than regular chocolate. The only thing it means is that the cocoa beans and other ingredients used were not bombed with pesticides and ingredients added do not have names like polyeurethane silicone extract. The only different tasting chocolate would be the dark ones with a high precentage of cocoa, which is irrelevant because the children picked out milk chocolate bars.
4.) Her statement that the natural chocolate bars were healthy is erroneous. They may be health-ier because they're natural, but to just say they're healthy implies that her children can eat 25 natural chocolate bars and still be fit and trim.

I really hate it when I see stupid people trying to turn their perfectly normal children into an exact copy of themselves.

Speaking of ridiculous, what's up with the whole McDonald's strip search thing??? So, I watched this thing on PrimeTime and was amazed! I'm not quite sure David Stewart should get more than a slap on the wrist. I mean, he wasn't the one who actually sexually abused the employee(s) and he wasn't the idiot employee(s) who complied either. If anything, he revealed how stupid and twisted seemingly normal people can be. First of all, the girl was an idiot or, maybe, has some serious mental issues. Who in their right mind would strip naked for their boss if he/she told them to unless there was a gun involved? Especially if your boss is wearing a cap with the golden arches on it. Who would then do jumping jacks naked without questioning the validity of what was going on? Who would not scream for help in such a situation when there was a restaurant full of people a few feet away? But worst of all, who would submit to a sexual act because some guy on the phone claiming to be a cop told your boss' boyfriend to do it to you? Who could possibly be that stupid??? Well, apparently this girl and several others who did whatever Stewart told them to do over the phone. I think these employees need psychiatric help and the managers and their boyfriends should be sent to jail. Above all, if you're that dumb...I don't know what to tell ya, except you're gonna have a hard time getting through the rest of your life.

Oh, so I went to the doctor last week for my bloating and she thinks it's irritable bowel syndrome, which basically means there's nothing I can do except MAYBE monitor the most offensive foods, whichever those may be. yay!

Random thought. Who's more annoying than neurotic Susan (Teri Hatcher) on Desperate Housewives? She gets worse with each episode. I can't believe it took Mike this long to dump her. After Desperate Housewives I watched another of my favorite shows, Grey's Anatomy. I really wish Meredith would stop professing her feelings to Derek. Grow some dignity and move on. He sure has.

BTW, why did that female Iraqi suicide bomber admit to trying to blow herself up? Just wondering...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I've been having some serious bloating problems. I exercise like a fiend, so it's obviously not fat. I'm beginning to think I'm suffering from some kind of food allergy or food malabsorption problem. I am praying to God it's not a wheat allergy, which would reduce me to eating bunless burgers and vegetables. I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow, where I will most likely spend 45 minutes waiting in the reception room, 30 minutes waiting in another little room all by myself...only to be told by the doctor, after I cough for her and breathe deeply, that I should go home and take some aspirin.

I have a feeling I'm going to be seriously pissed tomorrow around 3pm.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Well, for some bizarre reason the place where I was storing my files, myfilestash.com deleted all my files. No clue as to why and, thus, you see all these friggin broken images all over the place. oh yay.

I saw this quiz on Matthew's blog, so I decided I'd take it.

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Atomic Torpedo
Your Superpower is Cybernetics
Your Weakness is Peanut Butter Sticking to the Roof of Your Mouth
Your Weapon is Your Web Bullets
Your Mode of Transportation is Camel

Atomic Torpedo is kinda cool, but not very feminine. A camel is neat, because it rarely needs water and can spit on my enemies, but I hardly see the need for such transportation when I can obviously fly!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Lamenting My Youth and Other Things...

I used to think I was a pretty cool chick. I loved who I was. Now, I'm not so sure. Sure, there are a lot of cool things about me, but lately I seem to only see the bad stuff...and I'm not likin it. My "little" flaws are increasingly becoming more apparent to me. Maybe it's because I have more time for introspection or maybe it's because I'm older and I know better now or maybe the cynicism I've been cultivating in my old age is reaching into every aspect of my life. Whatever it is, it's depressing.

For one, I'm not as outgoing as I used to be. In fact, I could care less about engaging in conversation with new people. I used to be all about that and now I'd just rather talk to the people I already know. Kinda weird, considering I'd like to meet new friends in my area. Lately I've ended up at several different parties with people I barely know and I've had no desire to make conversation or attempt to get to know these people.

Two, I've always been a worry wart, to say the least, but now it seems worse than ever. I'm constantly worrying about everything, esp. things that are out of my control.

Three, since I've stopped working I find myself more and more dismayed by the smallest of problems.

Four, I still have absolutely no idea what I want to be when I grow up. Pretty sad, since I'm already thirty.

Five, I'd like to be more into myself. I'd like to think that it's "my way or the highway". I'm really too concerned with doing everything the "right" way all the time. You can't rise to the top of the ladder without stepping on some heads...that's why I'm not at the top of the ladder...I'm too busy helping all the stragglers and the dysfunctional climbers because I'm too nice.

Six, I want to be more of a risk taker. I'm the type of person that plans six months in advance and works out a contingency plan on a spreadsheet. That's also why I'm not at the top of the ladder. Funny though, I have managed to get past this problem in other areas of my life...for example, I'm scared of deep water and not the best swimmer...so I took swim lessons and then went snorkeling in Hawaii. I wasn't going to let my fear ruin my good time. I wish I could translate that into other areas of my life where it could be used.

Seven, now...I love my mom to death. She's a wonderful woman and mother. BUT...I don't want to be her. And, yet, as I get older..I see I'm becoming more and more like her...and that's scary!