Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
Yesterday I was at Trader Joe's (natural/organic/speciality foods grocery store) waiting in line to check out. The lady in front of me had two young girls and the girls kept trying to get their mom to buy them some chocolate bars. The mom kept telling them no, saying that they wouldn't like those candy bars because they're natural. One daughter asked, "What's that mean?" The mom replied, "That means they're healthy." The children were upset and called their mom mean and that was that. Now, it's not the typical children begging for candy at the checkout counter scenario that bothers's the stupidity of their mom.
I've been having some serious bloating problems. I exercise like a fiend, so it's obviously not fat. I'm beginning to think I'm suffering from some kind of food allergy or food malabsorption problem. I am praying to God it's not a wheat allergy, which would reduce me to eating bunless burgers and vegetables. I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow, where I will most likely spend 45 minutes waiting in the reception room, 30 minutes waiting in another little room all by myself...only to be told by the doctor, after I cough for her and breathe deeply, that I should go home and take some aspirin.
Well, for some bizarre reason the place where I was storing my files, deleted all my files. No clue as to why and, thus, you see all these friggin broken images all over the place. oh yay.
I saw this quiz on Matthew's blog, so I decided I'd take it.
Your Superhero Profile |
![]() Your Superhero Name is The Atomic Torpedo Your Superpower is Cybernetics Your Weakness is Peanut Butter Sticking to the Roof of Your Mouth Your Weapon is Your Web Bullets Your Mode of Transportation is Camel |
I used to think I was a pretty cool chick. I loved who I was. Now, I'm not so sure. Sure, there are a lot of cool things about me, but lately I seem to only see the bad stuff...and I'm not likin it. My "little" flaws are increasingly becoming more apparent to me. Maybe it's because I have more time for introspection or maybe it's because I'm older and I know better now or maybe the cynicism I've been cultivating in my old age is reaching into every aspect of my life. Whatever it is, it's depressing.