Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I've been having some serious bloating problems. I exercise like a fiend, so it's obviously not fat. I'm beginning to think I'm suffering from some kind of food allergy or food malabsorption problem. I am praying to God it's not a wheat allergy, which would reduce me to eating bunless burgers and vegetables. I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow, where I will most likely spend 45 minutes waiting in the reception room, 30 minutes waiting in another little room all by myself...only to be told by the doctor, after I cough for her and breathe deeply, that I should go home and take some aspirin.

I have a feeling I'm going to be seriously pissed tomorrow around 3pm.


At 11:54 AM, Blogger Lori said...

Oh, dear. I feel your pain. I too am hoping, for your sake, that it's not a wheat allergy. That would suck.

If it's any comfort, I'm really bloated too this week, because I am about to get my period. Ugh.

Let me know how your appt. goes.

At 12:31 PM, Blogger DCK said...

hope it's nothing serious..
I hate being bloated, ugh.. it's the worst


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