Monday, September 12, 2005


I guess I'm a tad bit late with this post, but if you read my previous post, then you'll understand why.

Friday evening HBO ran a documentary special on the World Trade Center attacks. It was horribly painful watching it. I spent the entire time crying. The pain of the whole thing is just beyond description. I can't believe it's been four years. The wound is still so fresh it seems like yesterday. I think America will be bleeding for many, many more years to come, if not forever. Love and prayers out to the survivors, the families and friends left behind, and, most of all, to those that were lost. We'll never forget you.

12 Hours and then some...

That's how long my fiance and I spent yesterday working on printing programs, timelines, place cards, and favor labels. *yawn* Very, very sleeeepy today. Thought I might fall off my horse today, but luckily I didn't. In fact, cantering went VERY well. Thank THE LORD! Went very well despite the farm bunny that had come into the barn and parked itself right by the track. Everytime we went riding by, the bunny got sprayed with dirt, but the little rascal didn't even budge. He was jus...chillin.

Tomorrow I make a retarded 5 1/2 -6 hour roundtrip to Maryland to pick up my wedding gown. I plan on being very sleepy and very irritable by evening tomorrow.

wow...less than 5 days to go now!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

So, I'm watching Entertainment Tonight (yes...I sometimes watch this mindless drivel)and they're showing Richard Simmons visiting New Orleans. I guess it's a nice gesture, but I can't take this guy seriously no matter what he's doing. I was giggling through the whole episode, even while he was crying. He was wearing the same outfit below except in blue. Doesn't this guy have any regular clothes, like jeans and a t-shirt?


I really like this city.

Clean, hip, good feeling...

Amazing lakefront. Still can't believe that's a friggin lake!!! It looks just like the ocean with waves and no visible end.

Makes for a pretty photo, but I still don't see the big deal about the Sears Tower.

Who woulda known? Bubba opened up his shrimp company in Chi-town!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

U.S.A., Where Anyone Can Be All They Can Be

FEMA head, Michael Brown, is living the American dream. The unlikely candidate pulled up his boot straps and rose from judges and stewards commissioner of the International Arabian Horse Association to his exalted position as Federal Emergency Management Agency head honcho. Now if that ain't a success story I don't know what is! Brown's former job, from which he was FIRED, consisted of ensuring that horse show judges followed the rules and investigating allegations of cheating, according to The Mercury News. "I wouldn't have regarded his position in the horse industry as a platform to where he is now," said Tom Connelly, a former association president. Neither would we Tom, neither would we.

Nevertheless, Brown now heads one of the most important agencies in America, responsible for saving people's lives. He gives the rest of us hope that we too can one day become someone very important, despite our qualifications.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Red State, Blue State...Yawn!

Just to clear things up. I am not blaming Bush for New Orleans because he's a conservative and I'm a liberal. I'm so over this stupid red, blue debate I could puke. I'm blaming Bush because the government did not act quickly enough and, as usual, did not have a plan in place to combat such disasters. Americans should not have to sit on rooftops or wade through feces for three to seven days without food and water after a forecasted disaster. I heard a terrific quote today on NPR, unfortunately I can't find it and I can't remember which governor or senator said it...but she pointed out that something like this should have never happened post 9/11. And I completely agree. You'd think we'd have a system in place by now that would work effectively and efficiently in the face of all possible disasters, terrorist or natural in origin.! And, I'm not being ridiculous...I don't expect a plan to fix everything in 26 hours, but I DO expect some federal government presence in the region within 24-48 hours. The fact that that didn't happen is abominable. I guess the same people who run the DMV are also in charge of FEMA.

Several news organizations have quoted government officials as saying they didn't know about the chaos happening in New Orleans until several days after it happened. That's funny. I knew about it the day after and that's because I watch the news. Wow! The bullshit is sooo thick I can barely breathe.

Anyways, I digress, my point is...I didn't make this all up so I could lambast a conservative. It wouldn't matter if our president was Ted Kennedy....the federal government screwed up....BIG TIME...and lots of Americans died because of it. Bush just happens to be the head of the federal government...that's all.

Friday, September 02, 2005

What the hell is going on in New Orleans?

I've never heard of anything more ridiculous than what's happening in New Orleans. How the richest country in the world and strongest superpower can't manage to rescue it's own people in its own backyard is beyond me? According to reports, people haven't had water or food for three days now and things are looking like a scene from Escape from New York. Where the hell is the government, the water, the medicine, and the buses? I don't think Bush has screwed up this bad since....Iraq? This is actually much, much worse. The government might regret it's lax and slower than a snail actions after the 30,000 or so people stuck there get out and sue their pants off.