Brangelina Baby's Birthday May Become National Holiday in Namibia
A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. Mark Twain (1835 - 1910) headline:
I had jury duty today and I friggin got picked for the trial! But that's another story. Anyways, of course, we had to swear on the bible to be honest or whatever (I wasn't paying attention) and it got me thinking....what if I were Buddhist??? Or Shinto, or Muslim, or an Athiest? Or Jewish? (I'm not sure if it was the Old Testament or New, or both) I mean, wouldn't the symbolism of the oath be lost on me then? I suppose if they're relying on tradition it's ok, but if they actually think swearing on a bible will make people always tell the truth, then how do they account for nonChristians? It must be somewhat meaningless in that case, right? Just a thought.
The uproar over the release of the movie, The Da Vinci Code, is pathetic. I mean, even the Albinos are pissed off. But, the Christian community's reaction to a fictional work is really disturbing to say the least. It really makes me wonder what they're really afraid of? For people strong in their faith, this movie should be no more than a minor annoyance meant to either be ignored or taken as entertainment for the masses. The fact that Christians across the globe are completely freaking out only leads me to believe that: