Thursday, March 30, 2006

Random Thoughts on the Blogosphere

Sometimes I don't know what I'm even doing with a blog. I really don't like conflict and arguing with people, yet here I am giving people an open door. I guess I'm trying to learn something while at the same time passing on knowledge. But sometimes you come across really rude and nasty people on here and instead of having a rational debate on something you end up in a virtual brawl. And, then sometimes you meet people who are refreshingly open-minded.


At 11:41 AM, Blogger David said...

Interesting. I share these same thoughts almost every day regarding my own web logs. If you stopped writing you would certainly "close the door" on others. But wouldn't you also partially be closing the door on yourself? That is to say, the part that hopes to pass on a bit of your knowledge and experience to those who care to listen. As for me, I hope you never stop sharing your thoughts and experiences. You do have great insight. Also, I look forward to the day when I find something from you that I disagree with. Perhaps one day. =)

At 10:14 AM, Blogger John said...

A blog is yours, you make it whichever way you want, there will be haters and losers out there that might not like your views, but it's your own journal with your own personal thoughts. Don't let one person dictate what you should or should not do on your own personal page.

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your support and comments. I realize I can't plese everyone and I'm not trying to, but I guess sometimes it brings me down when people are too negative and rude with their comments. I certainly don't mind disagreements, because that's where we really learn things and I respect everyone else's right to have a differing view. It's just some people are sooo friggin mean! haha...Guess I'm just a big wuss deep down inside. ;)

At 6:01 PM, Blogger David said...

Melissa, sorry to hear that and yes, there are definitely the rude types out there. If it helps any try taking a step back and remembering that:

1) We can't recognize what is just without simultaneously recognizing and becoming aware of what is unjust, and

2) We can't recognize happiness without simultaneously recognizing and becoming aware of what is rude.

We don't have to like it. I definitely don't like it. But it gives me resolve in continuing to be who I am after seeing how others can be.

At 4:07 PM, Blogger C R Mountjoy - GDF said...

Thanks for your recent visit to my are always welcomed.

You've seen the comments on my coming to your site is refreshing and it gets me away from what I post and what I get in response.

Keep Your Chin Up!

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Liberal Banana said...

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading yours!

I know exactly how you feel about the mean commenters. I had someone write something rather rude and uncalled for on a post of mine recently that was TWO WEEKS OLD. It bothered me so much that I had a nightmare about it that night. But then I just had to think, "That person is obviously mean-spirited and perhaps having a really bad day, so I'll just ignore it and not let him (or her) ruin MY day, too." It was hard to do, but once I let it go, I felt much better. *sigh*


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