Friday, February 24, 2006

Well, it's official now! I'm a volunteer at the local aquarium and I'm going to be preparing the seals' food, so in an indirect way I'm responsible for the livelihood of the seals. Well, at least twice a month anyways. I'm stoked!

After my orientation last week I roamed the aquarium for awhile (I woulda roamed longer, but I was:
a.) sleep deprived
b.) going to be late for horseback riding
c.) there were waaaaay too many people visiting the aquarium that day)
So THE coolest things I saw there (besides being up close with two seal pups) were the Leafy Sea Dragons and the short-nose batfish. Friggin awesome! Also, the jellyfish were very beautiful! I have to remember to bring my camera next time.

Well, super CONGRATULATIONS to Shizuka Arakawa!!! She was absolutely flawless in the women's free skate program! And her outfit was kickin! It was like a cross between Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Star Trek! I felt really bad for Sasha Cohen. I knew if she fell on that first jump (which she did), then it was all over! She had no confidence going into the program because of her flawed practice session, so one fall during the program was all it took to undermine her and cause a second fall. It's a shame because the rest of her performance was beautiful. Very nice choreography. I also loved Emily Hughes' passion. It's funny but I never expected so many skaters to fall during their programs, since they're cream of the crop, but I guess the pressure is just too immense.

Well, my girls and I are all set to go to Punta Cana in May! WOOoeOoeOEOO!!! Here I come sunny, white beaches!!! Unfortunately, I don't think any of my friends will want to do my preferred water activity: snorkeling with sting rays and nurse sharks! I'm going to have to do some serious campaigning; however, my husband is concerned I might come home with only one arm.

Oh, and, as if people didn't already know,....the Bush administration is selling our ports to a foreign country, a foreign country known for terrorist activity. This administration never ceases to amaze me with its screw-ups! I truly believe that Bush could literally walk out of his white house with an AK-47, take aim, and mow down a touring kindergarten class of 50 kids and a pregnant teacher, write it off as a regrettable accident and both the media and the public wouldn't so much as bat an eyelash. I'm beginning to suspect brainwashing chemicals in our water supplies.


At 3:15 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

hahahah Jimmy Carter!

Yeah, I agree the media's been on this one, but they generally prefer to focus on less important matters such as Cheney's shooting or the neverending Natalee Holloway case, while ignoring major country emergencies. Anyways, the Bush administration has done about 2 million horrible, shady, questionably unconstitutional, questionably immoral things and some people grumble about it and then it's forgotten..whereas Clinton has an affair and granted lies about it, but doesn't directly put our country in danger, and almost gets impeached. I'm not sure whether or not Bush will get this port deal through, but if he won't hurt him in the long run.

At 8:06 PM, Blogger bint alshamsa said...

Given the tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis killed in this war--a topic rarely mentioned by our media--I'm afraid you're probably right. All he'd have to say is that those kindergarteners were a threat to National Security and there would be thousands of fan boys and bootlickers waiting to applaud him for taking such a "strong stance against terrorism".

At 11:58 PM, Blogger John said...

nice on the volunteering at the aquarium...

and this whole port deal... ugh... he should burn.. damn alkie

At 9:12 AM, Blogger G. said...

awww - who are you going on the trip with??? can i tag along? pack me in your suitcase, dammit!

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

G: You can come! You just have to book your flight and stuff! ;)


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