Monday, August 01, 2005

Where do all the dead people go?

Millions of people die each day all around the world. (I can't find the actual statistics. Please contact me if you do.) That's a fact, right? Everyday tons and tons of people dying from natural causes, murders, suicides, accidents, car crashes, etc. YET...I never see the amount of graveyards increasing where I live. In fact, I have never seen an increase in the amount of graveyards anywhere I've lived (so far, I've lived in and around five different states). In fact, I only occasionally run across any graveyards for that matter. After living in the Philadelphia area for a year I think I've seen three total graveyards. Obviously there are more somewhere in the area, but few and far between considering the amount of people dying each day...esp. around here with all the shootings downtown. And the graveyards that do exist aren't getting any bigger. Sooooooo...where are they putting all the dead bodies???? Are they burning them all down and everyone's taking their loved ones home in an urn? Are they chiseling out old names off of tombstones and putting on new ones? Are they pulling the ol' Poltergeist movie scam by moving the headstones and not the bodies? Where the hell are they putting all these dead people? Something to think about.


At 9:41 AM, Blogger G. said...

it's called cremation, which is my preferred way when i die.

i don't want to give them worms a chance of eating me away.

no siree.

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Yeah, I'm doing cremation too. That's what I think too. I don't like the idea of being slowly eaten away as I decay. However, I would like my ashes buried in a huge gold pyramid that rivals the ones in Egypt. ;)


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